You must be registered and on course by 8am to do the 100 mile ride. Why?
Most of our volunteers start the day at 5:00 am. If you start the course at 11:00 am and can average 20 mph you’re looking at a completion time of 4:00 pm - - this doesn't include stops for food. If you start after 8:00 am on the 100-mile route expect that some of the rest stops will be closed by the time you arrive, so be sure to carry enough water. When you make it to the finish there will be no one to greet you. There will be no delicious spaghetti dinner waiting for you and you may miss your craft beer at Farmstrong Brewing. If you break down you will be on your own. An interesting fact, there have been more UFO and Big Foot sightings in Washington state than anywhere where else in the country. Bottom line, you do not want to become an X-File. Do yourself a favor and start the ride early.